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Release of CLAS test library, CLASLIB v0.8.0

National Space Policy Secretariat, Cabinet Office 

We are pleased to announce that CLASLIB version 0.8.0 is now available on github.
The main updates are as follows

- Supported two patterns of L6 message input as defined in IS-QZSS-L6-006

- Supported two patterns of L6 message input defined in IS-QZSS-L6-006 in ppp-rtk mode
- Added an option whether to use two channels L6 messages (-l6msg)
- Added an option whether to output osrfile (-s)
- Fixed a missing reset process for state quantities which was supposed to be performed before the prior residuals test.

- Supported two patterns of L6 message input as defined in IS-QZSS-L6-006

The two patterns of L6D signals defined in IS-QZSS-L6-006 will be applied after the upgraded service of CLAS to increase the number of augmented satellites is started. We will announce the start date of the upgraded service of CLAS on our website.

Please see below for download and terms of use.